Kurt Dittmer Kurt Dittmer as an Air Force brat, was first introduced to Hampton Roads in 1960 where he attended 1st through 6th grades and enjoyed crabbing on the James River and learning to draw at Sinclair Elementary school. Although he drew cartoons all through school and college, Kurt didn’t take his first art class until 1982 in Marquette Michigan, after being introduced to Nita Engle’s art and taking her class. 20 years later, after an Air Force flying career, he picked up his brushes to take classes again in order to travel to Turkey for a 17-day bus tour of “All the best places to paint watercolors.” Kurt has kept dabbling in painting since but works full-time with his small business providing analysis to the Defense Department. He hopes to really retire soon and someday have a studio. He is married to Julie Oxford and they have two grown sons in South Carolina and Utah.
Artist Statement My first trip to Turkey was during Operation Desert Storm to fly combat missions. My what a different experience it was visiting Turkey in 2015 to do plein air watercolors! As we surprised an old Turkish shepherd to paint his portrait surrounded by his sheep, the shepherd turned to our guide, “If only I had known all of you were coming, I would have brewed more tea so I could have shared it with all of you. It would have made this day perfect.” Art brings out the best in all of us!