Erin Smyth Erin Smyth is relatively new to the medium of watercolor. She has loved art since she was a young child and has explored various media, from pottery, photography and collage to film, theater, drawing and painting. She has dabbled through the years in watercolor, but has only recently been taking courses to hone her skills in the medium of watercolor.
After leaving a career in education in 2019 (she taught middle school science), Erin enrolled in any watercolor classes she could find in Hampton Roads. She discovered sumi-e through Norfolk City's Parks and Rec education program at Titustown and is now an active member of the Blue Heron Sumi-e Society. She took classes through Norfolk Botanical Gardens, especially enjoying Botanical Watercolors, which unified her Biology and art backgrounds. She dove into color theory and Fundamentals of Design at the Charles Taylor Art Center, instructed by Pam Oden (and would recommend the class to anyone who is interested in learning a LOT). She is currently enrolled in another course on the Fundamentals of Design at TCC with Professor Pamela Barcita (also a class to take if you like learning a lot in a short amount of time), who is another CBW member, and is looking forward to taking the Intro to Watercolor class with Professor Barcita in the Fall. Erin's goal is to use watercolors to write and illustrate children's books.