Charlie Frances
Charlie Frances, born in ’69, grew up on the coastlines of Portsmouth, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach, VA. He discovered watercolor painting later in life after selling his Geographic Information Systems firm. In 2013, Charlie was encouraged by a friend to try painting as he was going through cancer treatments. It turned out to be the perfect therapeutic distraction from chemo and radiation. Painting continues to be part of his spiritual, physical, and mental healing. He is a self-taught watercolor artist who has been fortunate enough to have won numerous awards in state, national, and international competitions. His work is in private collections in Europe and U.S. Memberships - Chesapeake Bay Watercolorists (2019 and 2021 exhibitions chair, former VP), Southside Artists Association, Southern Watercolor Society, and Virginia Watercolor Society (Exhibiting Member 2020-21, and 2021 Exhibition CoChair, 2022 Ex-Officio Chairman). Charlie holds two degrees in geography: B.S., Old Dominion University (1991) and M.A., Kansas St. University (1994). He still does not know all of the state capitals. Charlie’s company, C Art, LLC. and studio are in Virginia Beach. When not there, you may find him by the salt water or on his yoga mat trying to keep balance. The Concrete Factory
Everything is All Right in the Grill
When Decay Meets Rejuvination